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v111対応髪型変更NPC Empty v111対応髪型変更NPC

投稿 by 構築さん 2014-05-30, 09:26

var status = 0;
var beauty = 0;
var haircolor = Array();
var skin = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10];
var fhair= [31000, 31010, 31020, 31030, 31040, 31050, 31060, 31070, 31080, 31090, 31100, 31110, 31120, 31130, 31140, 31150, 31160, 31170, 31180, 31190, 31200, 31210, 31220, 31230, 31240, 31250, 31260, 31270, 31280, 31290, 31300, 31310, 31320, 31330, 31340, 31350, 31360, 31400, 31410, 31420, 31430, 31440, 31450, 31460, 31470, 31480, 31490, 31510, 31520, 31530, 31540, 31550, 31560, 31570, 31580, 31590, 31600, 31610, 31620, 31630, 31640, 31650, 31660, 31670, 31680, 31690, 31700, 31710, 31720, 31730, 31740, 31750, 31760, 31770, 31780, 31790, 31800, 31810, 31820, 31830, 31840, 31850, 31860, 31870, 31880, 31890, 31910, 31920, 31930, 31940, 31950, 31990, 34000, 34010, 34020, 34030, 34040, 34050, 34060, 34070, 34080, 34090, 34100, 34110, 34120, 34130, 34140, 34150, 34160, 34170, 34180, 34190, 34210, 34220, 34240, 34250, 34260, 34270, 34310, 34320, 34330, 34340, 34360, 34370, 34380, 34400, 34410, 34420, 34430, 34440, 34450, 34470, 34480, 34490, 34510, 34540, 34590, 34600, 34610, 34620, 34630, 34650, 34660, 34670, 34680, 34690, 34720, 34780, 34790];
var hair = [30000, 30010, 30020, 30030, 30040, 30050, 30060, 30070, 30080, 30090, 30100, 30110, 30120, 30130, 30140, 30150, 30160, 30170, 30180, 30190, 30200, 30210, 30220, 30230, 30240, 30250, 30260, 30270, 30280, 30290, 30300, 30310, 30320, 30330, 30340, 30350, 30360, 30370, 30400, 30410, 30420, 30430, 30440, 30450, 30460, 30470, 30480, 30490, 30510, 30520, 30530, 30540, 30550, 30560, 30570, 30580, 30590, 30600, 30610, 30620, 30630, 30640, 30650, 30660, 30670, 30680, 30690, 30700, 30710, 30720, 30730, 30740, 30750, 30760, 30770, 30780, 30790, 30800, 30810, 30820, 30830, 30840, 30850, 30860, 30870, 30880, 30890, 30900, 30910, 30920, 30930, 30940, 30950, 30990, 33000, 33030, 33040, 33050, 33060, 33070, 33080, 33090, 33100, 33110, 33120, 33130, 33150, 33160, 33170, 33180, 33190, 33210, 33220, 33240, 33250, 33260, 33270, 33280, 33290, 33330, 33350, 33360, 33370, 33380, 33390, 33400, 33410, 33430, 33440, 33450, 33460, 33470, 33480, 33500, 33510, 33520, 33530, 33540, 33550, 33580, 33590, 33600, 33610, 33620, 33630, 33660, 33670, 33680, 33690, 33800];
var hairnew = Array();
var face = [20000, 20001, 20002, 20003, 20004, 20005, 20006, 20007, 20008, 20009, 20010, 20011, 20012, 20013, 20014, 20015, 20016, 20017, 20018, 20019, 20020, 20021, 20022, 20023, 20024, 20025, 20026, 20027, 20028, 20029, 20030, 20031, 20032, 20036, 20037, 20040, 20043, 20044, 20045, 20046, 20047, 20048, 20049, 20050, 20052, 20053, 20055, 20056, 20057];
var fface = [21000, 21001, 21002, 21003, 21004, 21005, 21006, 21007, 21008, 21009, 21010, 21011, 21012, 21013, 21014, 21015, 21016, 21017, 21018, 21019, 21020, 21021, 21022, 21023, 21024, 21025, 21026, 21027, 21028, 21029, 21030, 21031, 21033, 21034, 21035, 21038, 21041, 21042, 21043, 21044, 21045, 21046, 21047, 21048, 21049, 21052, 21053, 21054, 21055, 21058, 21062];
var facenew = Array();
var colors = Array();

function start() {
cm.sendSimple("#e#gHey there, I can What would you like to change?\r\n#L0#Skin#l\r\n#L1#Hair#l\r\n#L5#Female Hair#l\r\n#L2#Hair Color#l\r\n#L3#Eye#l\r\n#L6#Female Eyes#l\r\n#L4#Eye Color#l\r\n#L7#Set GM job#l");

function action(mode, type, selection) {
if (mode != 1 ){
if (status == 1) {
beauty = selection + 1;
if (selection == 0)
cm.sendStyle("#e#bPick one?", skin);
else if (selection == 1 || selection == 5) {
for each(var i in selection == 1 ? hair : fhair)
cm.sendStyle("#e#bPick one?", hairnew);
} else if (selection == 2) {
for(var k = 0; k < 8; k++)
haircolor.push(cm.getPlayer().getHair() + k);
cm.sendStyle("#e#bPick one?", haircolor);
} else if (selection == 3 || selection == 6) {
for each(var j in selection == 3 ? face : fface)
cm.sendStyle("#e#bPick one?", facenew);
} else if (selection == 4) {
for(var i = 1; i < 9; i++)
colors.push(cm.getPlayer().getFace() + (i*100));
cm.sendStyle("#e#bPick one?", colors);
} else if (selection == 7) {
} else if (status == 2){
if (beauty == 1)
if (beauty == 2 || beauty == 6)
if (beauty == 3)
if (beauty == 4 || beauty == 7)
if (beauty == 5)

Posts : 193
Join date : 2014/05/29


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